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Ridley Youth Lacrosse – COVID-19 Safe Return to Play

Ridley Youth Lacrosse will adhere to the local guidelines with respect to the number of participants at each session.

 • All players and coaches with COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to attend the sessions.

• Coaches and Players are required to get their temperature prior to each session. Should a coach’s temperature read above 100.4 degrees, he/she must stay home.

• All players must disinfect their equipment before and after each session.

• It is recommended that players not carpool and only travel with a direct family/household member.

• Pre-determined drop-off and pick-up locations will be isolated from the fields and will not overlap with the prior/next session.

 • Players will exit their vehicle dressed and ready to practice – this includes all equipment (helmet/goggles) and jersey. Parents - do not exit the vehicle.

• Players should only be carrying their stick and a large water bottle when exiting their vehicle. Upon entering the field’s sideline, a 6 foot by 6 foot area will be assigned to each player for their water bottle.

• The practice field is for players and coaches only - no spectators

. • All coaches will wear a mask during each session.

 • During the sessions, social distancing of 6 feet will be mandated and enforced by the Ridley Youth Lacrosse Coaches & Directors.

• There will be no touching of the lacrosse balls with anything other than the player’s stick.

• At the conclusion of the session, all players must remain dressed, exit the field immediately, and enter the pre-determined pick-up area.

 • Any player who violates these provisions will be given one warning. Upon a second violation, the player will be asked to leave practice.